Privacy Policy

Who we are?

Felloly is a social network that help users to connect with friends and family from around the world.

We at Felloly want you to understand what information we collect, and how we use and share it. That's why we encourage you to read our Privacy Policy. This helps you use Felloly Products in the way that's right for you.

In the Privacy Policy, we explain how we collect, use, share, retain and transfer information. We also let you know your rights. Each section of the Policy includes helpful examples and simpler language to make our practices easier to understand. We've also added links to resources where you can learn more about the privacy topics that interest you.


Read the full policy below.

What information do we collect?

In this policy, we list the kinds of information that we collect. Here are some important ones. We collect:

The information that you give us when you sign up for our Products and create a profile, such as your email address or phone number.


What you do on our Products. This includes what you click on or like, your posts and photos and messages that you send. If you use end-to-end encrypted messaging, we can't read those messages unless users report them to us for review

Who your friends or followers are, and what they do on our Product

Information from the phone, computer or tablet that you use our Products on, like what kind it is and what version of our app you're using.

Friends, followers and other connections

Information we collect about your friends, followers and other connections

We collect information about friends, followers, groups, accounts, Felloly Pages and other users and communities that you're connected to and interact with. This includes how you interact with them across our products and which ones you interact with the most.

Information we collect about contacts

We also collect your contacts' information, such as their name and email address or phone number, if you choose to upload or import it from a device, such as by syncing an address book.

How we use information to improve our products

We're always trying to make our products better and create new ones with the features you want. Information we collect from you helps us learn how.

We use information we collect to:

See if a product is working correctly

Troubleshoot and fix it when it's not

Try out new products and features to see if they work

Get feedback on our ideas for products or features

Conduct surveys and other research about what you like about our Products and brands, and what we can do better.

Promoting safety, security and integrity

Here are some ways that we promote safety, security and integrity. We work to:

Verify accounts and activity


Find and address violations of our terms or policies. In some cases, the decisions we make about violations are reviewed by the Oversight Board. They may use the information we have when they review our decisions. Learn more about how the Oversight Board processes information.

Investigate suspicious activity



Detect, prevent and combat harmful or unlawful behaviour

Identify and combat disparities and racial bias against historically marginalised communities

Detect and prevent spam and other bad experiences.

Detect when someone needs help and provide support

Detect and stop threats to our personnel and property

Maintain the integrity of our products.